Nature’s Phone Line
A smile has planted itself
Upon my being
And it feels like home.
Spring has arrived
And as my allergies begin flare
My heart beats even stronger.
Trees once bare
Bloom with new life.
A new sense of purpose.
I have studied these trees.
Some are a part of forests
While others are isolated
Waning near the city streets.
Everyday trees far and wide
Discuss the hardships
Of their existence.
And though many of them
Have fallen prey to the
Neediness of humanity’s
Ambition for expansion,
They never back down.
For each tree has passed down
Their stories of sacrifice.
They passed down their strength.
They know they were here
Before us
And will be after us.
Nature can never be silenced.
Nature can never be contained.
Nature merely evolves to what it
Needs to be to survive.
Humans can adapt
But out of necessity,
Rarely by one’s own will.
I studied these trees to learn
How to grow as a human.
The first step I needed to take
Was to recognize I am connected
To nature’s phone line.
I just had to sit still
And listen to hear them.
Like autumn leaves falling
Off a branch after months of
growth, I too, shall fall.
How I fall is up to the winds
But how I rise is up to me.
The trees taught me that.
Sharing your wisdom
For the human saplings
To learn from is key to
A long lasting legacy.
The trees showed me that.
All I had to do was listen.
Humanity can learn
A thing or two
From the succulents
We adore so much.