
Javon Goard
Oct 2, 2022
Photo by whoislimos on Unsplash


A four-letter word that easily rolls off the tongue for most

And yet, so unattainable for many.

Funny how such a feeling is like a recipe which

Requires the finest of ingredients; patience, space,


Without these core ingredients surely the final

Dish would lack flavor, potency, and euphoria.

As legs shake continuously under the desk made

Out of recycled hopes and dreams

It is no wonder why many children and adults

Leave these desks with splinters on their palms.

As they work on their hopes and dreams,

The hopes and dreams of their family, friends,

Colleagues and coworkers who were unable or

Unwillingly to achieve what is owed to them

Pokes at them.

So to be calm in such an environment is

Damn near ludicrous.



Javon Goard

I am a poet. I am a games researcher. I am a roller skater.